Photos from the 2007 SASS NH/VT State Championships.
Photos from the 2006 SASS NH/VT State Championships.

Steel Slammin Sammy and Pistol Packin Punky at the August 2005 shoot.

(Click photo to see many more photos of the 2005 Fracas at Pemi Gulch).

'Owl Hoot' shooting pistol at some varmints in Pemi Gulch.

'Owl Hoot', May 2003, Pemi Gulch.

'The Lazurus Man', May 2004, Pemi Gulch.

'Tracker Lonesum' shooting off the horse ...

"I tell you the treasure map sez to go that way ..."

'Slim 4 Eyes' lassoing the post with Dead Head's lariet.

'Piney Woods' shooting the breeze with 'Sixgun Swanzey Slim' waiting for the start of the stage.

Stage 7 - Pemi Gulch

The Railroad Car stage at Pemi Gulch ...

Cleaning guns at the campsite - 2003 Fracas at Pemi Gulch.

The 12th NHV Serenade Band at the 2003 Territorial Governor's Ball.

'Rawhide Rod' with cart at 2003 Fracas at Pemi Gulch.

'Amos-T' and his famous guncart at 2003 Fracas at Pemi Gulch.

'Amos-T' shooting some birds. Notice the coyotes in the background?

Driftwood Johnson shooting over the backs of the herd during 2002 SASS NH State Championships.

'Wild Bill Blackerby' shooting pistol during 2002 SASS NH State Championships.

'Dusty Lace' in action in Pemi Gulch in 2002.

2002 SASS New Hampshire State Champions - 'Miss Delaney
Belle' and 'Capt. Morgan Rum'.

'Dead Head' with his Duelist plaque.
(Go to the Results page and click on the different shoots for more photos ...)
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